Monday, 30 July 2012

Muscular Endurance-Pilates Workout-Planking Frog-Exercise

WEEKEND CHALLENGE: Planking Frog Tucks! Give this exercise a try: How many reps...

WEEKEND CHALLENGE: Planking Frog Tucks! Give this exercise a try: How many reps can you do in 1 minute with proper form? Too easy? Add a pushup between each rep. Yowza! So...ARE YOU IN? read more..

Abs Challenge Day 20! Do Pilates! One study found that women who swapped their u...

Abs Challenge Day 20! Do Pilates! One study found that Women who swapped their usual routines for two 60-minute Pilates sessions a week saw significant increases in abdominal endurance, hamstring flexibility, and upper-body muscular endurance.
Try this routine:
Flat-Ab Pilates Workout
Easy at-home moves to slim your belly and tone your core read more..

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