Wednesday 25 July 2012

American Council On Exercise-Plantar Fasciitis-Injured Reserve-Office Workers-Birth Control

Suffering from plantar fasciitis? Back pain? Runner's knee? Don't put yourself o...

Suffering from plantar fasciitis? Back pain? Runner's knee? Don't put yourself on the injured reserve. Here are 8 safe ways to stay active.
How to Exercise When You're Hurting | Fitbie
Eight common injuries—and how to work out when you have one read more..

Women take birth control for a variety of reasons. Not all pills are created equ...

Women take Birth Control for a variety of reasons. Not all Pills are created equal. Find the pill that's right for you:
The Best Birth Control for You
There are different side effects of birth control for everyone. Find the pill that's right for you read more..

Working out in the middle of the working day

NEW YORK (Reuters) - With the three-martini lunch gone the way of the typewriter, office workers are free to discover the healthier perks of midday movement. An active lunchtime can range from the sweaty to the serene, experts say, from a full-out cardio blast to a walk in the park. "People who want to get in a good workout over lunch hour can do simple things like go for a walk," said Dr. Cedric Bryant, chief science officer of the American Council on Exercise. "Think about it. Thirty minutes on a regular basis would meet the minimum threshold for physical activity," he added. U.S. ... read more..

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