Saturday, 3 March 2012

Unhealthy Behaviors-Cheap Ingredients-Empty Calories-Healthday News-Health Habits

Did you know supermarkets are designed to make you spend as much money as possib...

Did you know supermarkets are designed to make you spend as much money as possible, often on high-margin products loaded with cheap ingredients and empty calories. Adopt these 7 Habits of Highly Effective Shoppers and you'll be well on your way to being a master of the modern-day market: Habits of Highly Effective Shoppers | Women's Health Magazineow.lyWithout a thoroughly planned attack, an innocent weekly grocery run can turn into an all-out assault on your health and your finances read more..

Female Cancer Survivors Report Worse Health Habits: Survey

MONDAY, Feb. 20 (Healthday News) -- Female Cancer survivors are more likely to smoke and have other unhealthy behaviors than women who have never had cancer, a new study finds. read more..

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