Tuesday 10 April 2012

World Health Day-Health Challenge-Men And Women-Stereotypes

Good health adds life to years: Fighting stereotypes

We all generally value and respect the older people we love or know well.  But ageist attitudes can portray older people as frail, “past their sell-by date”, unable to work, physically weak, mentally slow, disabled or helpless.  Ageism serves as a social divider between young and old. These stereotypes can prevent older men and women from fully participating in social, political, economic, cultural, spiritual, civic and other activities.  Younger people may also influence these decisions in the attitudes they convey to older people, or even by building barriers to their participation.We can escape this vicious cycle by breaking down stereotypes and change our attitudes about older people—We can fight the discrimination and abuse that prevent active and dignified ageing.These photos, form around the world, challenge these current stereotypes older people have to grapple with.About World Health Day:World Health Day is a global campaign celebrated every year on April 7.   Everyone—from global leaders to the public— are invited to focus on a single health challenge with global impact. This year, the theme is “Good health adds life to years,” focusing on Ageism and Health.   Good health throughout life can help older men and women lead full and productive lives and be a resource for their families and communities.  Ageing concerns each and every one of us—whether young or old, male or female, rich or poor—no matter where we live. read more..


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